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public App() { MainPage = new MainPage(); }
using System.Timers;
namespace XamariniOSTimer { public partial class ViewController : UIViewController { protected ViewController(IntPtr handle) : base(handle) { // Note: this .ctor should not contain any initialization logic. } public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); Timer timer = new System.Timers.Timer(); timer.Interval = 1000; timer.Enabled = true; timer.Elapsed += Timer_Elapsed; timer.Start(); } private void Timer_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) { DateTime myDate = DateTime.Now; InvokeOnMainThread(() => { lblTimer.Text = myDate.ToString("F");}); } public override void DidReceiveMemoryWarning() { base.DidReceiveMemoryWarning(); // Release any cached data, images, etc that aren't in use. } } }
using ToastIOS;
namespace XamariniOSToastNotification { public partial class ViewController : UIViewController { protected ViewController(IntPtr handle) : base(handle) { // Note: this .ctor should not contain any initialization logic. } public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib. } partial void BtnWarning_TouchUpInside(UIButton sender) { Toast.MakeText("This Is Toast Warning") .SetDuration(5 * 1000) .Show(ToastType.Warning); } partial void BtnNotice_TouchUpInside(UIButton sender) { Toast.MakeText("This Is Toast Notice") .SetDuration(5 * 1000) .Show(ToastType.Notice); } partial void BtnError_TouchUpInside(UIButton sender) { Toast.MakeText("This Is Toast Error") .SetDuration(5 * 1000) .Show(ToastType.Error); } partial void BtnInfo_TouchUpInside(UIButton sender) { Toast.MakeText("This Is Toast Info") .SetDuration(5 * 1000) .Show(ToastType.Info); } partial void BtnDefault_TouchUpInside(UIButton sender) { Toast.MakeText("Hello Xamarin iOS").SetDuration(5*1000).Show(); } public override void DidReceiveMemoryWarning() { base.DidReceiveMemoryWarning(); // Release any cached data, images, etc that aren't in use. } } }
using ToastIOS;
namespace XamariniOSToastNotification { public partial class ViewController : UIViewController { protected ViewController(IntPtr handle) : base(handle) { // Note: this .ctor should not contain any initialization logic. } public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib. } partial void BtnDefault_TouchUpInside(UIButton sender) { Toast.MakeText("Hello Xamarin iOS").Show(); } public override void DidReceiveMemoryWarning() { base.DidReceiveMemoryWarning(); // Release any cached data, images, etc that aren't in use. } } }